Friday, November 16, 2012


I was looking for something creative to use in the girls' goodie bags for their birthday this year and really wanted to make some crayons. I found this tutorial and it was pretty easy. Whenever I messed up, it was no one's fault but my own! I went to a second hand store and found a cookie pop pan to use, 2 for $2.00! That way if I screwed it up I didn't waste too much money. :(   But, it worked!
And here's proof! I think they were a hit and a cute addition to the party favors.


We badly needed to get some more time out of my girls' jeans so I was looking around for tutorials to do it correctly. They don't outgrow the waist but outgrow the length. Luckily, I have girls-how would you do this for boys? ;) I checked out this tutorial here but didn't follow it exactly. I just cut the girls' jeans off right above the hem and then followed the tutorial for the ruffle. I think they turned out pretty cute!

Rock Pillows

My husband is the band at our church and they have done some upgrades to the Green Room, where the artists go between services. They recently got new leather sofas so I made some fun "rock" pillows to go with them. I lucked out on the fabric! Drums, guitars, microphones, etc! It was perfect!

Pillow Case Style Dresses

I had so much fun making these dresses for my girls. I haven't made any more since because they hardly get a chance to wear dresses like this but how fun are they? I followed this TUTORIAL.
I also have a pretty cute model...she tried both on for me, my other daughter wouldn't cooperate.

Pajama Pants!

I may have gotten a little out of control with these...but they are so easy and so fun to make! Go HERE to learn how. I made light weight cotton ones for late summer and then some flannel for the colder months. My girls love them and wear them all the time, sometimes just for comfy pants around the house but mostly to bed. These are just a few of the ones I have made. Each girl has at least 3 right now I think!

Travel Car Carrier

One of my friends in Oklahoma had been wanting something like this for her son to take some of his toy cars in the car with him. I found some really cute panel fabric with the map of the United States on it. I looked around for a tutorial but ended up just created one of my own. I think it turned out pretty cute. He can put a few cars in it and fold it up to take along!

I-Spy Bag

One of our good friends was having a birthday so I wanted to make him something special. My mom has been doing I-Spy bags for a while and so I decided to try it. It was tricky for sure with the vinyl but turned out so cute! I also had a ton of trouble with the grommet! Instead of words, I laid all the pieces out on a piece of paper and took a picture. I had my hubby print it out at work for me in color and on good quality paper. After that I took it to FedEx/Kinko's to get it laminated and this is the end result. Some of the tiny things I used were even mine when I was younger...remember Micro Machines? Anyone? no? :)

Circle Skirts

Ok ya'll! I am in love with THIS blog in general! I have made several of these skirts for my girls and many for my friends too. They are so easy and the possibilities are endless!! The pic with the girls were the first ones I made, followed by the Oklahoma State ones and OKC Thunder! So much fun for game days!

Water Bottle Tote

My girls are 4 and still want me to carry their water bottles around wherever we go. They load down my bag because they are so heavy and with twins, I need my hands free! I looked around and found this tutorial for some water bottle totes. They turned out great and I love that my girls wear them. They wear them cross-body usually and take them to church with them and many other places too!

Wild Kratt Vests

One of my friends reached out to me and asked me to make her son and a friend of his some form of a Wild Kratt vest. She was looking around and found this site. They were the easiest things to make! I actually zig-zagged around all my color squares and circles instead of just using an heat n bond. I figured little boys were going to be playing with these so I made them hopefully more durable. My girls liked them so much when I was making some that they asked for a couple. I ended up making some for them with pink shirts. So fun!!!  My friend that requested them made them all some Creature Power discs that they can Velcro on the circle.

Bike Baskets

My girls are always wanting to take some toy outside with them to play in the summer and I, honestly, don't really like them to. We have inside toys and we have outside toys. Whatever Mom, right? I looked around and finally found an easy bike basket tutorial. So, they have these on their bikes now and they love them! They work perfectly for what they want. Tutorial