Saturday, September 18, 2010

5 Loaves and 2 Fish

My mom recently asked me if I'd Google a tutorial on making loaves and fish so she could have something tangible when telling the Bible story to the young children in her Sunday School class.  I looked and couldn't find anything and then thought I could just easily make them myself!  After I finished them my husband asked me if they were potatoes.  Well, I guess they do look a little like potatoes.  I planned to add a little embellishment across the top or something like a loaf of sourdough bread does, but figured I'd let my also crafty mom do that if she feels like they need more.  I didn't want to make them worse!

More Reusable Bags

This is the lot of reusable bags that I made and sent to my sister and her 2 girls.  Her girls are in school and thought they would benefit from using some very cute and eco-friendly snack bags.

Crayon Roll with book

One of our really good friends, Ryder, that the girls love to play with, just had his 2nd birthday and I made him a crayon roll and added a spot for a booklet too.  That way you can always have paper on hand for the times you go places and they don't have tablecloths for you to color on! :)  Ryder's mom and dad both are in the band at church along with my husband so I thought guitar fabric was appropriate.